New Fuels and Patents

World Bunkering Magazine, September, 2023 Article Summary

In the most recent issue of World Bunkering Magazine, Steve Simms addresses patents and new

fuels – and what bunker suppliers, traders and their customers must consider about them now.

The bunkering market is facing increasing demand for new fuels that are environmentally

compliant. One way to produce these fuels is through patented processes.

There is a growing number of patents being filed for bunker fuels, which increases the risk of

patent infringement claims. In the United States, patent infringement can occur if a person

makes, uses, offers to sell, or sells a patented invention without authorization.

It is important for bunker traders, suppliers, and customers to be aware of the potential for

patent infringement claims.

The first bunker patent infringement case in the United States is still ongoing, and the outcome

of this case could have a significant impact on the bunker industry.

As the demand for environmentally compliant fuels continues to grow, it is likely that we will

see even more patents being filed in this area.

It is important to note that not all patented bunker fuels are created equal. Some patents may

be more easily infringed than others. It is important to consult with an attorney to determine

the potential risks of patent infringement before using a patented bunker fuel.

The ongoing bunker patent infringement case is a reminder of the importance of being aware

of the potential for patent infringement claims. If you are a bunker trader, supplier, or

customer, it is important to consult with qualified and experienced legal counsel now to take

steps to avoid infringing on patented bunker fuels.


Read the full article and details of considerations here: New Fuels and Patents, World Bunkering Magazine | September 2023

John Simms